Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jed Works A Lot

Jed works a lot, which means I end up feeling like a single parent a lot. I feel slammed so much of the time. I leave work and go running on MWF. I run errands T/TH. Then I pick up the kids and feed them a snack. We go to a playground or home... and I rush around making dinner, packing lunches, putting away dishes, re-loading the dishwasher, putting away laundry, getting the kids bathed... cleaning up the huge messes the kids make... etc.

Yesterday we made little green cupcakes for St. Patrick's Day. The kids got all my decorating supllies and covered the kitchen floor with various shapes and sizes of sprinkles and colored sugar. They did not help decorate the cupcakes.

Jared also managed to destroy my newly planted sunflower seedlings with his remote controled car. "I didn't mean to mommy... the truck was supposed to go on the side, but it CRASHED!"

So the kids were nuts all evening and I did my best to run interference. Reading a bedtiem story to both of them at the same time is not easy... but I got them to bed with no major problems and spent an hour working on Jared's Birthday invitation before climbing into bed to watch some Ugly Betty!

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