Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hello, Doctor, Are You In?

Yesterday I went back to the doctor for a flu shot. The doctor walks in and says, "You were right, you did test positive for mono!" Ummm... Okay, well that certainly explains why I was feeling so run down and why I still wasn't feeling 100% even after antibiotics. What it didn't explain is why no one had called me from his office to let me know. I'd taken the test a full week earlier, surely plenty of time to give me a ring, right? Wrong, apparently I should have called in to the office to get the results two days after the tests. Argh.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Cold That Wouldn't Leave

So I'm finally feeling better today after two weeks of a cold and sore throat that just wouldn't go completely away. The baby still has some nasty congestion, which is particularly sucky because when she's stuffed up she has trouble sleeping. You see, when you have a baby who sucks on her fingers for comfort, and said baby can't breathe through her nose, she either gets no comfort or gets no oxygen. Meanwhile, mommy gets no sleep.

I finally decided to get back to my normal jogging routine today following my two week hiatus. The break was unfortunate because I am running the Santa Clarita Half Marathon this Sunday. This will be my first distance race since having my little girl and it will be my son's first time participating in a Kid K. I ran the full marathon a couple of years ago and actually managed to place second in my division! Because I have had so little time to train, I don't expect to do well this time, but I'm hoping to have a good time anyway!

Now that I'm back on track, I should be back to posting too!

Friday, October 19, 2007

My Employer Doesn't Give Sick Days

Man, I sure could have used a sick day this week. My son got the flu on Sunday and by Monday morning I had a nasty cold with sinus pressure so intense I seriously considered drilling a hole in my head! Meanwhile, my 9-month-old also had a runny nose -- either from teething or a cold, I don't know. (BTW, when I say runny nose when referring to my baby, I mean snot running like so much water from a faucet, only it's snot so it gets smeared into hair, onto toys/clothes and dripped all over the carpet.)

So we were literally drowning in tears and snot! I didn't feel like moving, let alone dealing with two sick kids, but that's the catch when you are a stay at home mom -- you don't get sick days! Really, I just don't know how I got through Monday. How do other people do it?

Today is the first day that I am feeling sort of back to normal... and the first day that my son went back to school. So I managed to go for a jog, hit the grocery store and do some laundry. The little one with the shiny new tooth is napping soundly and I have the chance to rest up a bit too -- but of course this isn't when I NEED the break, that was on Monday when I just couldn't catch one to save my life.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Blogging Like a Newbie

I've been thinking about starting a blog for ages, but like most anyone with kids knows, there just aren't enough hours in the day. I'm more likely to write out a menu for the week with the accompanying shopping list (that almost invariably involves running around to a mere minimum of three stores) than I am to actually write something for fun!

Yet, here I am, on a day where I have spent nearly three hours in nasty L.A. traffic, getting my very own blog started. Apparently traffic is far more draining for infants and little boys, so while my two little ones nap I'm gonna get this party started.