Friday, October 3, 2008

My New Job is Making Me Fat

I've gained 3 or 4 pounds since I started this job.

I had managed to keep below -- just barely below sometimes, but always below -- the 130 mark for as long as I can remember... but since I started working and now sit at a desk all day... the numbers have been creeping up. I was 133 this morning.

I have been wanting to lose the same 5 pounds for as long as I can remember -- now it's closer to 10 then it is to 5.

My old routine (running with the stroller 15+ miles per week, 2 hours of spinning, plus lots of hiking and running after the kids all the time) kept me from gaining weight PLUS I could eat whatever I wanted. Now I find myself editing what I want to eat... but it doesn't seem to be helping.

I actually need to -- drumroll please: DIET. The nasty four-letter word. But what to so, what to do? It's been a long time since I last dieted successfully... and teh blow job diet was a huge failure.

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